Making portraits happen today. #makersgonnamake #asseenincolumbus #raylavoie (at The Players’ Club)
Having a hell of a good time at the Western Southern pride night in Mason Ohio. (at Western & Southern Open)
What our walk looked like this AM. #lakelife #cossayunalake #makersgonnamake (at Cossayuna Lake)
Bart and Ray #newmain #asseenincolumbus (at Columbus Metropolitan Library)
Awesome new library. #newmain #asseenincolumbus #greatness (at Columbus Metropolitan Library)
Today’s set. #asseenincolumbus #makersgonnamake #parts (at Ft Precision)
Actor portrait – showing emotions (at Ray LaVoie Photography)
Blooms in the studio. #awesomeness #asseenincolumbus #nature_perfection (at Ray LaVoie Photography)
New Food(?) shot. Thanks to Erin Maloney for styling.
Beautiful lunch (at Sweet Carrot Casual Cuisine)